The other day I took my little Ivy to the grocery store with me. Just Ivy. Our store has a shopping cart that looks like a race car. With multiple children, this ride is the source of many the grocery store disagreement. Little Ivy, all alone, giggled with her good fortune that day. In her happiness, she sang sweetly and unashamedly as she "steered" throughout the whole store, "I wuv Mommy; I wuv my mo-o-o-ommmmeeee....." while occasionally peeking back at me to smile proudly. I don't often do all my grocery shopping with a goofy sentimental grin spread across my face, but there it was that day, ear to ear.

Misha, mouth very full of banana managed to be aghast at Vitali's lack of manners, "VITALI! Do not talk food mouth!!!"
After my shopping trip with Ivy where I had discovered yogurt on sale, Misha greeted me at the car to help me carry in bags. "OOOOOH! Yogurt! A LOT!" He exclaimed as I handed him a bag. When I followed him into the house, there he was, eagerly stacking it in the refrigerator with a song just bubbling out of him. "A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot...." The boys still get so excited to see the refrigerator and the fruit bowl full.

At our family reunion, Misha turned seven. Also, there was a gift shower for the new arrivals, including the three boys. Each gift was opened with huge enthusiasm! Once, Misha opened some clothing wrapped in a shirt box. Not realizing that the box held more, he cheered, "A BOX!!!!" and held it up for us all to admire. Vitali did the same thing. We thought it was a joke until they didn't open them. They just laid the precious treasures in their laps and admired them.
On Misha's birthday, he opened some flip-flop style shoes. I had tucked them together, end to end before wrapping them. When he opened them, he held up the little bundle, "ONE SHOE!!!" he cheered. We pointed out the second shoe tucked into the first and he was even more excited, "
TWO SHOES!" Later, wearing his shoes on a car ride, he showed off his new shoes to a friend, "Look!" he said, proudly displaying his feet, "Shoes!