...That's what I said to Steve last night after he commented that it is amazing we haven't had any big injuries or broken bones. But Steve didn't do it.
(Vitali, Before.)
Today, little Vitali was dancing through the basement when he fell and knocked his eye hard enough to split it open on a wooden chair. The girls heard him crying and came running to get me, Hannah carrying Vitali up the stairs where I met up with my bloody-faced little guy.
He had a split that would likely have needed two stitches if we had taken him in. I decided to see if it looked like it would hold together with butterfly bandages before we went in for the stitches. Fortunately, while there was a lot of blood at first, it also stopped quickly so I was able to get the bandages to stick well and not have to worry about them slipping off and opening the wound. Satisfied with how they were pulling it together I bundled my little guy up for a little snuggle, warmed a blanket in the dryer, and let him pick a movie (He picked Zoro--a nice, long movie) to watch with Ivy to keep him still while it began to knit.
Then, we all watched another movie together (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs--a very dumb movie) after dinner and he and daddy snuggled on the couch together.