I am not much of a tea party-er. Fortunately for my little ladies, my mom is! They each get to invite a friend and then they arrive at Grandma's house to the table all decorated nicely. They learn manners and make a little craft together and visit. The girls have a fabulous time!
Hannah is sitting with her friend Rachel and Annette with Sarah W. (of course!). That little boy behind annette is Neil, Rachel's little brother.
What a special time for your daughters and their friends! I am so very happy that your mom is close by and can do these sorts of things. I immediately thought of Tina..and her wonderful tea parties for her granddaughters...
Please pray for Rachel today. She is still not doing the best.
Thanks, Melissa..
That looks like a fun tea party and I like how everyone made a craft too!
They all look so pretty. All I can see of Annette though is her eyes because Sarah's bow is covering up her face. It's a very pretty bow though.
i'm not telling who sent this
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