but she wasn't to be put off. She just grabbed them right out from under their mammas!
I am really very impressed by the Sonlight curriculum. I like how so much of it is relaxed and based on reading a wide array of books, allowing our children to be well-read while still having the knowledge found in textbooks. I am stealing their idea and combining some of how I was homeschooled and making my own way this year. Next year, I may buy one of their complete courses including teacher's notes and everything but for this year I can't afford it! One year is about $1,000 but that would be re-usable for each following child or several at once because of the type of learning it is. For instance, this year I am going to be reading A Child's History of the World to Hannah but Annette will be able to listen to the short stories as well. So she will be learning in kindergarten the same stuff as Hannah in third grade, just filtered through her 5-year-old mind.
Anyway, I am planning to fill this early week full of fun learning activities, no math or writing or such. I am going to teach Hannah to cook at the stove, Annette to tie her shoes, Hannah to ride a two-wheeler (no, she hasn't learned yet! But although we live on a hill, she can practice in the street now that it is a dead end.) That sort of thing. We're making a list and starting...tomorrow! ( Actually, we are unofficially learning this sort of thing all the time but I am going to be able ot count it towards our attendance this way)
A big thanks to those of you who weighed in, on the blog and otherwise. Kelli mentioned a website that I tried to look at and my internet went out but I do intend to follow up on that and some of you that homeschool may want to as well. Just read her comment on my last post.
Addendum: I looked into it and you may want to too! There are loads of cool door prizes and an open house, advice-sharing format. Here is the Link so that you can find out for yourself!
Thanks, Kelli!