Dear Hannah, Happy Birthday! I can't help but think of the day you were born. You've heard the story many times but I get to remember it in my heart. There is just nothing like waiting to meet your first child and then meeting her at last! We were so excited to meet you that we didn't even remember to check if you were a boy or a girl for several minutes!

Hugs and Kisses and, nope we didn't forget,
Eight birthday spankings (and one to grow on!) from your loving family.
--especially me, your mama
That was so sweet! My pregnancy hormones made me all teary-eyed. I'm sure that makes all moms remember the day they gave birth to their first-born. There is nothing like it. It's sad how fast they grow up.
Enjoy Hannah's 8th birthday. I still can't believe she is eight!
Oh, what a moving post! Hannah was such a pretty baby and now she's a beautiful young lady.
I love the picture of 3 of you, it's so precious! And you were so brave to have Hannah at home!
Happy Birthday, Hannah!!!
Precious memories. Happy belated Birthday, Hannah. :o)
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