Last weekend began a streak of beautiful weather here and Monday and Tuesday nights, I slept in the backyard in the big tent with the kids. Steve slept in the house since he had to work the next days. The nights were pretty chilly and the boys confessed to being cold, but eagerly declared they wanted to sleep there every night!
We found that we needed a few more sleeping bags although since we were in the backyard it didn't matter so much. But this week at church a new friend brought us some things her son had outgrown and among those things was a Thomas the Tank engine sleeping bag! Isn't God good?! You can bet that the boys were pretty thrilled about that!
This week is beginning as winter and ending as spring again. That is the nature of spring, isn't it? They say we might get snow on Monday but Friday is near eighty again! Maybe we'll get to take that sleeping bag for a spin this next weekend. And maybe this time, Mommy will sleep in the comfy bed and Dad can rough it with the kiddos!
Sweaty, dirty, shirtless little boys. I bet they couldn't be happier! They are so cute with those big smiles.
I Love it! I remember camping out in the backyard as a little kid. We had so much fun. Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog! I have enjoyed reading about your adventures!
Hey's Becky (Stormont) Dow! My Hannah...she's 4...loves to camp in our backyard too...and looks forward to doing it soon when Daddy gets back from his deployment.
My Mom said that you were interested in keeping up with our family (we've really enjoyed keeping up with yours and reading about the adoption) and asked me to send you our website address. I completely forgot until recently so here it
What a great pictures and it sounds like they've been having lots of fun sleeping in the tent!
Aren't they cute in their tent, I love camping but haven't been in ages must do it soon.
I've tagged you for a meme if you get a chance come & check it out.
That looks like fun! All you need now is the smores.
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