Memorial Day weekend, we piled into the Suburban and Ripped a hole in the ozone layer all the way to Washington D.C.! The event of the weekend was Steve's oldest sister Laurie's wedding to the incredibly handsome, lovable, and charming Rick T. (I expect to see Rick say hello here after
that introduction!)
The wedding was beautiful. It was outdoors in the park and the weather could not have been more perfect! The reception was right there in the pavilion nearby and we stuffed ourselves with the delicious food!
It was great to see so much of Steve's extended family and all of his immediate family over the weekend. His sister Jenny was even here with her husband all the way from Niger, Africa!
All six kids were in the wedding as well as some of Rick's nieces and two more cousins on the Eimers' side of the family! The children looked so precious in their fancy clothes walking down the aisle. They all did such a great job. Even the baby, who cried for all the pictures afterwards (weddings are so hard on babies, aren't they?) was perfect all throughout the ceremony!
Laurie even bought all the dresses and suits for the girls and boys which made having all our six children being in the wedding no problem at all for us! Thank you, Laurie!

Hannah signed the best-wishes picture on her own. She is getting so independent and young lady-ish lately. It is fun to watch her finding her way in life. Even at eight years old, she is a deep thinker and an obsessive planner.

The girls all loved looking beautiful.

Our boys love to dress up and did their part well even though they probably wondered what was going on! Rick is a fireman and a bunch of his buddies came in firetrucks which, naturally, the boys enjoyed immensely!

I don't have THE picture but Steve took this one as everyone was lining up. The back row, left to right are Steve's three sisters: Jen, Mary and Laurie. Then is Steve's Dad followed by the groom, Rick.

For those of you who might be trying to figure out the identities of these family members:
The couple in the background is Steve's youngest brother Josh and his fiance, Britt.
L>R at the table are, Steve's Mom, Wendy, His oldest brother, Roger Jr. and Roger's wife Laurie is in black in front of him. Annette is there and then "Baby" or "little" Josh as we call Rog and Laurie's youngest ( their other child is Bekah, she is pictured above as the Jr. bridesmaid (white dress) that is the most towards the right.) Daniel's wife Bonita is the one not facing the camera. Their two daughters are also in the group shot above as the two flower girls (Burgundy dresses) that are foremost in the picture.

Here is my favorite flower girl, Ivy Mae with my favorite man, her daddy.

Jenny, all the way from Africa, visiting with Steve.

The three Jr. bridesmaids couldn't resist twirling on the stage that was a part of the pavilion.

Quick snapshot, paparazzi style, of the happy couple! See their aprons? They have childhood pictures on them. Two people thought that the picture on Laurie's apron was Annette. One of the two who were fooled? Annette!
Congratulations, Laurie and Rick!