I took the kids shopping on Thursday. The boys had their gifts chosen within the first fifteen minutes but the girls took much longer. Two hours later, we left the store--each child proudly carrying The Perfect Gift! So far not a one of the boys has kept a gift secret until the moment of presentation but this time they made it!
On Father's Day morning, the kids all piled onto Steve in the bed waving their gift bags eagerly. "Open mine first!" they were all shouting cheerfully in unison.
While Steve opened his first gift which was from one of the girls, the boys could wait no longer and each whipped the gift from his bag, not bothering to let Steve do it himself, and waved it in Dad's face. This picture was taken just before the gift explosion!

After church we went to my mom and dad's house. My brother Nathan and his family were there and so were my sister Bethany and her family. Including Steve, my dad, my grandfather, my brother and my brother-in-law there were quite a few fathers there to honor!

My Dad

Misha and Steve.

Great Grandpa and Little Ivy Mae.
It was a good day. I will be posting more pictures on our adoption blog. You'll need to go over there to see my favorite gift, the one from Vitali!
I love how excited kids get over small things. It's too bad we outgrow it.
Cute picture of Ivy with Great-Grandpa.
Ivy is such a sweetheart...and so beautiful...
thank you for posting. I love reading your stories and seeing your pictures. They always bring a smile to my face!
Grandpa always has the funniest expression in his pictures.
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