Sorry! I've been busy.
Don't hold a grudge. Look. I have pictures. There. Feel better?
We are back in school now. Back in school meaning back at the kitchen table much of the morning and some of the afternoon. Sound fun? Ha! fooled you! Just kidding. Actually, I like being back at the books. The stack is much taller this year and the table much fuller but it is nice to have a routine again after the summer. Also, it's entertaining to hear,
"Stop shicken table!"
over and over all morning. (Max, thanks to his Russian accent and limited understanding of English, says 'chicken' and 'shaking' exactly the same way. He doesn't even notice when us girls tell each other to not to "chicken" the table.)Ivy and Vitali join us at the table for a while and then wander off to play together. They try to alternate that with harassing each other at random intervals so no one at the table will spend too long thinking on only schoolwork. It is their public service to us. For this we are truly thankful.
Here, during a break, Vitali poses for my camera by sweetly aiming a doomed kiss at the reluctant Ivy. Even at three she has my hard-to-get-ness down pat, doesn't she Steve?

Another swing and a miss. That one was closer, Vita. Better luck next time!
And, let me point out that this was a worthy endeavor. First of all, no one was fooled by the green marble. It may have been more convincing if it weren't curling up where someone was too lazy to lay it under the toilet and had settled for making it a ten-piece puzzle of curling grossness around there. The cabinet was crumbling. It was pretty much all fake wood and when the faucet sprung a leak underneath that no one noticed till it was time for a new roll of (soggy) toilet paper, the thing swelled and warped till it had successfully trapped all the kids toothbrushes in the drawer.
It was time. Trouble was, if we were going to fix the cabinet, then it was time to do the floor. Couldn't do the floor until we changed out the tub which had complexion issues when we arrived that not even a heavy-duty helping of elbow grease could touch.
So, we (Steve and his merry men) hacked out the old tub. Steve put in the new one. I would like to point out that I helped.
Then he put down ceramic tile. I helped with this too.
...ok, I didn't. I cannot tell a lie.
I did paint, though. Light blue.
Cabinet, all wood. Sink. Faucet: brushed nickel. Also brushed nickel towel holders and bathtub faucets. It's gotta match, you know.
Mirror. Finally found this at Home Goods, which is owned by Target. And I do mean FINALLY!
Mom took ALL the kiddos for a whole day (Haaaa-le- lu-Yah!) and, although the bathroom was done, no one was allowed to use it until it had its finishing touches. Steve actually used date-day to go shopping for picture frames, and a magazine rack. (Don't click your tongues at me, we did other stuff too. We saw Iron Man, for goodness sakes! That's definitely a guy thing!)
And a couple of fluffy towels and white rugs and a step stool and it was ready for 'business'. if you know what I mean.
Unfortunately, I don't have a fish-eye lens for my camera so you get to see only a sampling. Oh, and those roses are real, My honey brought me those. Isn't he sweet?
All Righty, that's all for now. Thanks to those of you who still visit my sparse blog-postings. (sniff, sob) You are a wonderful bunch of very valuable people....provided you leave nice comments, that is.
It is lovely!!! And the flowers are such a nice touch! Thanks for the post - I always love reading and seeing pictures of your beautiful children!
Glad to see you back in the land of the bloggers! The bathroom looks splendid! I was kind of fond of the green marble though...
Heather M.
The bathroom looks great. Glad to hear you are tackling home schooling even with all those kids. I guess your mom did so why not! I plan on home schooling too. For now, we will just enjoy 3 and wait for the school days to come. Thanks for sharing!
Tricia :)
This is my first year homeschooling more than one child...I'm a bit overwhelmed. And not to help matters any, third grade (Hannah) is a significant jump from second grade. There's a lot more work to be done.
I love your new bathroom! It's beautiful! Nice work!
I am so glad you posted! Maybe now that you are back to school you can start doing craft posts too?! I love reading thanks for letting a stranger into your life. Karissa Cunningham
Can't wait to try it out the next time I'm there:)
Are you guys going to Boomsday with us again this year?
The bath looks beautiful! And the kids too! :)
Finally! I was wondering when you were going to post. But I have ZERO kids and find it difficult to find the time, so I guess I can't blame you. However, it's great to see the kids and the fabulous new bathroom! I love light blue. Appropriate now that you have 3 extra boys in the house : )
We've started school too! We're having a lot of fun, but I'm sure that we'll be in for a bit of a change when we add a 3 (almost 4-year-old) who only understands Chinese to the mix. Of course, we can't wait for that extra bit of challenge to our lives! And I'm sure that you're loving the extra challenge that those 3 special boys bring into your life. :)
The bathroom looks great!
The bathroom looks great!! It makes me want to get home and get some hoem improvement projects going.
Thank you so much for posting all the great pictures and stories about your children - it helps remind those of us in the process that it will be worth it in the end!!
The bathroom looks great!! It makes me want to get home and get some hoem improvement projects going.
Thank you so much for posting all the great pictures and stories about your children - it helps remind those of us in the process that it will be worth it in the end!!
Great to read your updates! And loved the pictures! So cute.
You and Steve did a good job on the bathroom remodel. We need to do some of those projects around here.
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