Panama Rocks is full of great, big, huge, rocks. And, it is in Panama, NY. Hence, the name. There is a path to follow but there is no risk of being lost forever in the woods if you wander off the trail. Good for us because that is the whole fun of it: Climbing up rocks, seeing if you can fit through crevasses, daring to find out where that light at the end of the tunnel is coming from...
Also, there were a lot of nice woodsy things like moss and ferns and fungi. The only time fungi is nice, by the way. Even hollow trees.
The bummer for me is that my flash ruined the pictures by bouncing off of things unnaturally but when I turned it off, things tended to blur. The odd processing of some of these pictures is my attempt to save an otherwise lousy picture, so bear with me. I really need to figure out that f-stop thing!
stretching their roots around until them they find dirt. It's also fun to climb them.
If you like nature and are in the western NY area, Panama rocks is a great place to go! We had the perfect fall day for it, too. But there will be many more fall days left for you to enjoy!
Panama Rocks looks like a really fun place. What a great way to enjoy the nice fall weather!
Loved the "fun guys" and the sprites.
Did anybody find their way down into Ice Cave? Probably it was a little late for blueberries on Blueberry Hill.
Wish I could have seen you all when you were here!
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