Misha found this 2 ft long snapping turtle in our side yard the other day. Isn't he handsome?! The mailman saw us looking at him as he went by and even had to get out and come and see. It was pretty cool. And the next day, Steve brought home a turtle that he found on the side of the road.
In fact, another wet-dweller incident was while Jenny and Will were visiting. The kids came in and said there were thousands of baby frogs in the driveway. We trooped out to see. And while "thousands" may have been an exageration, "hundreds and hundreds" would not have been. It was some kind of baby frog migration across the expanse of the driveway. Each little frog was no bigger than my pinkie finger nail.
It has been kind of wet here lately. Maybe wetter than I realized...
Love the snapper's "deerintheheadlights" expression...
So fun! My boys would love all that.
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