The squealing started again with, "Can I hold one?!" added to the commotion. What fun!
Ivy still has her little chubby baby hands. Aren't they sweet?
And look how "cozy" that baby chick is!
Four at once. I am not sure how many kinds there are. Some differences are subtle and I am not sure if the difference is individuality or breed. We'll have to figure that out.
Temporary chick house. Blissful children.
This one is missing it's upper beak. I named her Pinocchio. What looks like a stub of a beak is actually just the nostril part. It is kind of soft, like cartilage. I really will be surprised if this one survives. Maybe it will find a creative way to eat. But it had better hurry!
One of the chicks arrived dead. I guess that was the extra. The rest, 25, including Pinocchio, were fine and frisky!
These are "Rainbow Layers". Several different breeds of chickens that lay different colors of eggs. Blue, green, brown(?) and I don't know what else. We'll find out. The blue layers, mixed with a brown laying breed will give pink eggs--at least that is what I have read.
Our chicks are all hens. That is what they tell us. They ship at one day old but I think that there is some way that they influence gender (rather than just determine it).
I will have to look that up.
Aww...Aren't they sweet?! Both of them!
And look how "cozy" that baby chick is!
One of the chicks arrived dead. I guess that was the extra. The rest, 25, including Pinocchio, were fine and frisky!
These are "Rainbow Layers". Several different breeds of chickens that lay different colors of eggs. Blue, green, brown(?) and I don't know what else. We'll find out. The blue layers, mixed with a brown laying breed will give pink eggs--at least that is what I have read.
Our chicks are all hens. That is what they tell us. They ship at one day old but I think that there is some way that they influence gender (rather than just determine it).
I will have to look that up.
1 comment:
wow!! You are the chick in the know! I had no idea they shipped chickens to people through the post office!! Or that there were so many varieties of chickens! I am learning so much here today!!!
They are your house!
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