September 11 is a birthday at our house!
The big news for this year was that Steve's brother Daniel and his wife Bonita welcomed a tiny 3lb, 15oz baby girl the same day!

We packed ourselves together and headed to Chattanooga just to be there. Of course, the baby went straight to the NICU. She was doing quite well and I am pretty sure she was the biggest baby there though we didn't really get to see her, just a glimpse. Tiny, just the same. The good news is that she came out crying and has been breathing on her own!

Since all looked good, we came home that afternoon and remade plans to party with G'ma and G'pa falk at their house. We stopped and got the stuff to make subs for dinner (Hannah's request) and bought a cake (Oh, happy day; I LOVE storebought cakes!). We watched Hannah's new movie, Enchanted, and ate the cake.
So, it's official now. I have a child in double digits! I think that is some kind of milestone for a parent. Unfortunately, no presents for the parents are involved. Well... there was cake...
We got Hannah a digital camera and gave it to her early in case she had a chance to take pictures of the baby. As I suspected, no such luck but she was pretty happy anyway!