We played a little of the new clue game. It is really quite fun. And Beth brought this game, Fill or Bust. We played it and had a good time.
Ethan enjoyed his fried ice cream from Aunt Beth while second-in-line Isaac drooled nearby.
John, Beth and Jude came to our house for a bit before they left for home and Jude met our temporary pet turtle while his dad, mom and Uncle Steve did some shooting in the yard.
Before they left, Jude got to go and see the little chickies in the back yard. He really enjoyed them. From a distance, that is. A good, safe distance. Because you can never be too careful around peeping baby chicks.
Fabulous family foto...
(couldn't resist that)
I can't imagine our entire family ever being together all at the same time.
Happy for you all...
one more thing.
I like the new blog skin!!
Make that fabulous Falk family foto!
:) heather
I'm surprised Jude even touched the turtle at all. I'm not surprised he wouldn't touch the baby chicks. He is so afraid animals. Except Ruby that is. He actually did pet Houdini a little. Apparently, Houdini is less scary than the kittens at the pet store. He was a pretty nice cat. We need to borrow him for our mice problem :(
Ditto on my mother's comments...:oD
Hmmm, I'm checking out your belt and shoes of bling...Haha! Love you. :oD
Rachel, these southern girls dress up! I've gotta keep up a little! I had a flashy necklace too. :-) Still never pierced my ears, though.
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