Found the flowerpot egg this morning on the front porch and I walked in with it just as Misha came up the stairs. I suggested that there might be eggs in the coop too. Misha brightly offered to go and get them and stepped into Max's big, black barn boots which pretty much live by our back door. He clomped up to the coop and called, "Two eggs! One brown, one white!" then a moment later he puzzled his brow and called, "No, not white--GREEN!"

And there is the morning haul. Two more expected today, we'll see. I am sorry to keep posting pictures of eggs but I am just having so much fun! Haha! Who knew I would enjoy these chickens so much? Must come with getting older....
I so wish we could have chickens...but A. we live in the city and they haven't approved it yet and B. we have no yard. Bummer. Hopefully in a couple years.
I totally understand. We have had chickens for years and it totally amazes me how God made the chicken so perfect, and so able to lay such a large egg, and how they love to line up, waiting turns to lay all their eggs in a really perfect nest.
I think chickens can teach us alot. :)
Chistie, like what? Should we all line up and wait for the good labor and delivery room? heehee!
Melissa, I never saw you as the chicken-raising type, so it is fun for me to see you so excited about eggs! I was excited to see the green egg when you brought it over for me to see it. John Laurie's mom has hens which lay several diferent colors. Sure would save you a lot of time at Easter!
(visiting from Lynn's blog-friend of Kari) We raised chickens when I was twelve, but I never knew they could lay different colored eggs!
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