We woke up to this after one perfectly normal evening with no rain or high winds. They say these trees (Bradford pears) are notorious for splitting. The good news is that where that huge section of the tree is laying is where I "should" have parked the new car the night before but didn't. Phew! Now we need to go buy a chain saw...
It's also a good thing it wasn't the other side of the tree that broke off or it would have landed on the house! I'm glad that the tree still looks good. Bradford Pears are such gorgeous trees, and we all love them because they are the first trees to blossom in early spring.
It's always good to have an excuse to buy a chainsaw. :)
And that was such a pretty tree
It's also a good thing it wasn't the other side of the tree that broke off or it would have landed on the house! I'm glad that the tree still looks good. Bradford Pears are such gorgeous trees, and we all love them because they are the first trees to blossom in early spring.
Grandma Falk
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