We enjoyed a visit from Steve's mom this past week. What a good time it was for all the kids to have Grandma here! I loved it too. She was a great baby-holder. (Annette would say babyHOG! heehee!)
Grayson loved sleeping on or beside Grandma Eimers all week long. Isn't he a sweetie?
Hannah seems to have found a chance to sneak him away from Grandma.
He looks so content, doesn't he?
I tried to take a picture of him cooing and smiling at Grandma but this is all I got.
This one I just threw into the mix. Too bad it isn't a scratch-n-sniff picture. Once again, I am wishing I could share that fresh-from-the-bath baby smell with you all. Mmmm... so sweet.
Thanks, Grandma! We miss you!

Thanks, Grandma! We miss you!
What a sweet post!
Happy for Grandma Wendy!!
Nothing like the fresh from the bath baby smell. We love it too. However, it does seem to be the one thing that Zachary doesn't love so far. I'm sure Grandma was happy to spend some time with Grayson. I'm excited for your parents to see Zachary next week.
I think you may be on to something here with that whole scratch and sniff idea. You could make a baby book of scratch and sniff new baby smells. Of course, there are some smells which you could leave out. No need to remember those:)
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