My little guy is growing so fast! October 19th, Gray turned 8 months!!

He's been such an active little fella! Climbing up on things for quite a while now, he is traveling along furniture with ease. I guess he wants to keep up with the big boys!

I just love when he sits still and hangs out with me. What a sweet little lover-boy he is. Definitely a mama's boy, he likes to keep me in his sights most of the time, even at home. At first, I found this cumbersome. Don't get me wrong: I love my little guy so much! But I wanted to be able to put him in the nursery and such. After a few tries, I found out that I needed to change my ideals for this little guy's lovey personality. Now, I choose to be flattered by his affection and I love it! It won't last forever, after all! I'm sure I won't look back and wish I'd spent more time apart from him. He's my sweet treasure.

I also love this guy: Steve, The Cat-herd.

And there's that sweet baby face again.

He's getting a little happier to branch out to other family members now. He loves his daddy, too. Also Max is his big buddy.

It's those eyes that getcha! Who could resist them? You are so wise, Melissa, to choose to enjoy Grayson's attachment to you. You have enough experience with children to know how fast these days will go by, and all too soon he will be running off with his brothers and sisters and friends.
Max is so sweet! He's always wanting to come and look at Benz. I bet he's a great big brother! -Jane
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