I love these! I planted them from cuttings I got from across the street in the ditch!
"Now that you're submitted; what's next?"
I'm so glad you asked!
First of all, to be submitted means that our facilitator/translator was able to get the SDA (social services in Ukraine) to accept our dossier (paperwork). This is HUGE. To get this far is a matter of many weeks of trying and failing. The problem mot being with our facilitator or with our dossier but due to the fact that the SDA does not feel much motivation to accept these. They have set limits and quotas and it is very hard to even get them to honor those. At any rate, we're in! Phew!I'm so glad you asked!
Now, it does not by any means guarantee smooth sailing from here on out (until we get 'in country') but it has been characteristically so for most others lately. This is very encouraging to us.
So, here is what happens now --probably :
- 20 business days after submittal we are to get our notice of our appointment date.
For others, this has so far been very exact. 20 business days is about one month.
This means mid-September for us.
- We get an appointment.
This means an exact date and time to be at their office in Kyiv, Ukraine to view files of children and choose who we would like to meet.
This is generally exactly three months from the submittal date. In our case, November 20th or so.
- In country, we will choose the file of siblings that we both agree on. Then will travel in a few days to the orphanage/s to meet the children and at that point accept or reject this referral.
- If we accept (let's hope we do!), then, most likely, our court date will be 20 days from then.
- After that we will wait 'in country' for another 10 days manditory waiting period in which anyone interested can appeal the court's decision.
- Once the children are ours (can't wait!), we will begin getting visas and passports for them. (The passport thing looks like it is working itself out as you will appreciate if you have been following our other blog.)
- Somewhere in there, Steve's mom will arrive as well as his oldest sister Laurie to help us escort the children home. This will be very helpful as we navigate customs and airports with 3 children who don't speak the same language as their parents!
- Home! (really can't wait for this!!!)
This will be a very important and, I expect, crazy time where we all get to "bond" as a family. Just like with a new baby, we will want to just be with them and convey love and security. This is where reality will set in! LOL!
This is me doing a happy dance!!! It seems like several of our web friends have gotten their dossier submitted lately which will mean you all may be in country around the same time. How exciting! Keep us posted as soon as you hear something!
Wow! Thank you for the explanation. It's amazing how the adoption process varies so much from one country to another.
I'm praying that everything goes smoothly! I can only imagine the excitement your family must be feeling right now. :o)
Melissa, I agree that submitting a dossier to SDA is VERY important. Some people wait several months if not years to submit, so having this step done is making the wait much easier. Our 20 business days are up this coming Tuesday, it would be cool if we could find out our date this week, but if not that's OK too!
I'm glad to hear that Steve's mom and sister will help you to get the kids home, I'm sure your trip back will be much easier with their help.
I'm so glad you posted some details about the adoption! I've seen you mention it here and there but now I feel like I know it better. How old are the children going to be?
I also love the photo of the morning glories. At my previous house, I had some growing right beside my front door. Same color too. :)
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