We are just short of breaking the record for the longest stretch of days over 90 degrees for our area(30 days). I know we are in the South, but the temperatures here in the East Tennessee area are usually pretty nice. Even on the days where it is hot, the afternoon often sees a quick thunderstorm and the evening ends up being pleasant.
August often gets really hot for a couple/few weeks where it is still hot at night, but over all, I'd rather stay indoors those few weeks with my air conditioning than to spend the five+ months of winter cooped up with the heater in a NY winter. There are plenty of people who love NY--more power to 'em!--But not me! I love Tennessee!
We've been having a drought here lately. I don't know, but I'd guess over a month without measurable precipitation. Everything is parched, tree leaves have turned brown, the grass is crispy, and the car is roasting hot every time we go to get in it! We are over 13 inches behind for the year...
But today:
Ivy's so funny.
Yeah, I'm one of "those people" who miss the NY weather. Well, to a certain degree. There is a lot I love about Tennessee, but I do miss the snow a lot. However, I don't miss having snow for 4 to 5 months. Our spring comes so early here, and that is something I do enjoy.
I loved this post. Isn't funny how kids growing up in the same environment can be so different? Daniel (kid #3) is my "different" kid...the one likely to say the opposite of everyone else just to be different, not because he really thinks that.
Your girls are adorable...wish our kids could be friends (and we could hang out and talk!).
Does Beth live near you in Tennessee? Mandie lives in Pennsylvania but on the opposite corner (I'm northeast and she's southwest). I miss her.
Beth lives in Tennessee but 2.5 hours away in Nashville. She is coming for Boomsday this year. It is our big Labor Day fireworks display. And I do mean BIG! Phenomenal!
He-he - the NY winters are not fun, that's right! I'm not looking forward to driving in snow again in a couple of months :) Though I don't know what's worse - 5 months of cold or 5 months of heat :) Probably heat is better!
My Hannah would like to know when is your Hannah's birthday. She turned seven July 31.
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