Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring is in the air?

So what is everyone looking at?

Our Bradford Pear tree out front was absolutely filled with these little birds the other morning! I have never seen them before but as best I can tell I think they might be Cedar Waxwings--Anyone know if I'm right or not?
Also, I saw a couple of these :

And...Only two shopping days till my birthday!!!


Lynn Falk said...

I have Spring fever! It was fun having a good snow this week, but I'm done now. It can all melt away.

I like the pictures of the birds.

Grandma Falk said...

Those birds look so big!

I have Spring fever, too. Last week I saw my daffodil shoots coming up a couple inches above the ground! I had forgotten that I had planted them! That was such a happy discovery