Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First fulll day of school.

Misha is helping Vitali with his worksheet. Vitali was soooo proud to be in Kindergarten. He kept asking, "What am I, mama?"

"Kindergarten" I would say.

"Kindergarten, ah. Yes, that's right. I am getting bigger!"

"Yes, Vitali, you are getting bigger. But you are still very little."

"I am bigger than this cup!"

"Yes, you are bigger than that cup."

Vitali just beamed. Plus, he is 42 inches. He is very, very proud of that, too.

Misha was a very good teacher to Vitali. I was actually surprised because he normally thrives on opportunities to be bossy. But he very kindly showed Vitali what to do and waited while Vitali figured things out. Good job, Misha!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Congratulations Misha! It's too cute, a big brother teaching the little one. =)